The enrollment deadline for the 2024–25 virtual school year is June 15, 2024!
Contact us now for more information and to enroll your child in our dynamic, student-centered learning community.
Welcome to Philomath Microschool!
philomath (FILL-uh-math), n.: someone who loves to learn; a scholar
Virtual schooling
You and your family can learn from home with our unique virtual school model. All core subject areas taught by experienced, professionally licensed teachers.
For families looking for more flexibility in scheduling and content, we also offer regular 1:1 tutoring sessions and a robust Independent Study program.
Student-centered learning
Students flourish with engaging, research-backed activities that offer countless opportunities for critical thinking and real-world problem solving.
Differentiated instruction
Our small blended-grade classrooms emphasize meeting students where they are in terms of ability and learning style, and our guaranteed small class sizes offer incredible 1:1 attention you won’t get in a traditional classroom.
Here’s what Philomath families have to say: