Student Guest Blog, Week 2

Hello, Philomath community! Here is our second guest blog, this time by student blogger Andrew J. Butler.

BIG Feelings In February

It’s the second full week in February. It started with Superbowl LVII (57) and ended with president's day weekend. There were reasons to be excited, there were also reasons to think deeply and reflect on important moments in American history. My classmates and I shared thoughts and feelings about the unjust treatment of the enslaved african, we learned how hard it was for the enslaved africans that were sold, captured, and forced into slavery. Each one of us led a discussion about related artifacts.  My classmates were thoughtful, and courageous as they worked hard together to talk about how and why artifacts from American slavery were used. We learned about the butter churner, and iron shackles. Nikos learned in her research that shackles were from Georgia, and I shared a personal story about my family with a connection to one of the artifacts on our list.  It was a really big week for really big emotions, but we got through them together. 

We also got to sleep in a little later, since we started class one hour later on Thursday, which was really cool, until we had to stay an hour later. 

Fourth grade math seemed like a lot more fun than 6th grade math.  At first angles and rays seemed to be more interesting than the distributive property, until we 6th graders got the hang of it. 

ELA was also pretty cool, learned about transcribing interviews, worked on our stories, and the best part was our fun day on Thursday. All in all it was very eventful week.


Student Guest Blog, Week 3


Student Guest Blog, Week 1