Welcome to 2023!

A text about the history of the Middle Ages written in the style of an authentic Medieval manuscript, by Jake (grade 4).

Happy new year, Philomath community! Our third academic quarter kicked off on Thursday, January 5th, and we’re excited as heck to dive into some fascinating new material. In Science we’ve started a new unit on fossils and energy, and in ELA our class is returning to the nonfiction world to examine how authors share information and opinions effectively.

Here are a couple of important facts and dates to keep in mind for the near future:

  • Monday, January 16th is a holiday as we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There will be no regularly scheduled classes, IS, or 1:1 tutoring on this day. 

  • There will be a floating holiday sometime in the first half of the quarter when Professor Smith welcomes a new baby to her family! There will be no classes occurring on that floating holiday, when it happens. We won’t be able to give much warning for this holiday, so keep an eye on your email inbox!

Finally, we’re proud to share the story chosen as the winner of last month’s story contest, by Jeremiah Dessources (6th grade). Keep an eye out for our January story contest, due on Friday the 20th.

As always, thanks for all you do, Philomath families!

The Angry Doctor

By Jeremiah Ansy Dessources Jr.

A young boy named Bryson was born in California January 20,1999. He wanted to become a doctor. But he had a terrible family because they never sent him to school and he lived a miserable life.   

One day while He was at the supermarket with his dad he got a horrible news that his mom was Killed in car crash by a drunk driver Bryson and his dad cried bitterly. 

His father didn’t take the news well because of that he started drinking alcohol. Bryson’s uncle told him the news that his dad was drinking alcoholic bryson got devastated he started to think more of his mom. 

He started to sleep on the street, stealing food, eating food from the trash. One day a police man found him and said “where’s your family Buddy” He responded “I don’t have a family” then the police took him to foster care. His foster family were christian, they treated him with love and kindness, they put him to School after several years he graduate from university and become a heart doctor.

He found a Job in the hospital and went to work as a heart doctor but he would take out people’s hearts so that they can died because he was angry about his parents.

And one bright Sunday morning his  friend Janae invited him to church so he said “Okay I will go”. And they went to Church then. The pastor mark was Preaching a sermon how Jesus Died on the cross and the sermon Touched his heart and he gave his Life to christ then he meet his lovely wife and had three children and God was with him so he became a great heart doctor and lived for God.


Authentic Tasks


Winter Break, Here We Come!